Saturday, 21 April 2012

The inevitable crash

No matter how many times I do this - I never seem to learn. Every report card entry deadline is a killer to me. No matter how on top of my marking I try to be, I always end up with a huge stack at the last minute.

Last June, I was up so late marking and calcualating marks, so ridiculously beyond tired, that I scraped the drivers's side of my car onthe cement pillar at the edge of my parking spot.  I had to drive to my parent's house to enter the marks because I didn't have internet access at home. Those scratches have yet to be reparied and serve as a constant reminder of how one shouldn't drive when they are beyond exhaustion.

Mid-term mark entry has just passed. It was a little tougher this time. It was my first semester with a full course load in the last four years. Three whole classes to calculate. 45 short stories to mark, 14 posters etc. etc. The pile never seems to diminish - only grow!

After working a reduced schedule for about four years now, it's been a tough haul readjusting to full-time work.  The hardest part is the mornings. With the fibro morning stiffness (which would more aply be called, morning after being run over by a train feeling) and the general difficulty functioning before 9 a.m., starting the work day at 8:40 has been near impossible. The positive news is that as a whole I enjoy the classes and students I am currently teaching and I manage to make it to 3:01 without needing to sleep (at least most days). The evenings and weeekends are another story.

Add to that regular schedule the hecticness and lack of sleep that comes with report cards and it's a miracle I'm still standing. Sleeping till noon today was a good start, but as they say, there is no such thing as sleep catch up.

After the adrenaline and forcing myself to function every day this week, that inevitable crash of energy has hit me. Who knows how long this malaise will last? Hopefully not long, I've got a wedding to plan, three classes to teach and many miles to go.....

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